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Little Central America, 1984

Foto del escritor: GALA Hispanic TheatreGALA Hispanic Theatre

Actualizado: 25 jul 2023

Written and performed by | Escrita y actuada por Elia Arce & Rubén Martínez

Directed by | Dirigida por Elia Arce

July 21 & 22, 2023 | 21 y 22 de julio de 2023

Performances: Friday and Saturday at 8 pm | Funciones: Viernes y sábado a las 8 pm

In English with some Spanish | En inglés con algo de español

This show will be presented at | Este espectáculo será presentado en: All Souls Church Unitarian (1500 Harvard Street NW, Washington, DC 20009).

Little Central America, 1984 - A Sanctuary Then and Now reanimates the history of the Sanctuary Movement that offered safety for refugees fleeing Central American civil wars of the 1980s. Including music, poetry, testimonials, and a recognition of those who locally played a role in art, solidarity, and accompaniment, Arce and Martínez contextualize the most recent refugee crisis. What place does DC’s Central American community occupy in the city’s culture, politics and imagination? What role does artistic representation play in collective memory and healing?

Little Central America, 1984 - Un santuario antes y ahora reanima la historia del Movimiento Santuario que ofreció seguridad para los refugiados que huían de las guerras civiles centroamericanas de la década de 1980. Con música, poesía, testimonios y un reconocimiento a quienes localmente jugaron un papel artístico, solidario y de acompañamiento, Arce y Martínez contextualizan la crisis de refugiados más reciente. ¿Qué lugar ocupa la comunidad centroamericana de DC en la cultura, la política y el imaginario de la ciudad? ¿Cuál es el rol de la representación artística en la memoria colectiva y la sanación?

Tickets | Boletos: $25 - General Admission | Admisión General.

Co-presented by GALA Hispanic Theatre and Circuit Network, Little Central America, 1984 is made possible with funding by the New England Foundation for the Arts’ National Theater Project and supported by a National Performance Network (NPN) Artist Engagement Fund, with funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts (a federal agency). For more information, visit



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Oficina: 202-234-7174
Educación: 202-750-0610

Fax: 202-332-1247


(los emails son respondidos de lunes a viernes, 10 am-5 pm)

(los emails son respondidos de jueves a sábado 7 pm-10 pm, y domingos 1 pm-4 pm)


GALA Theatre
3333 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20010

GALA Hispanic Theatre

2437 15th Street, NW

Washington, DC 20009

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